
Friday, September 23, 2011

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is sometimes loved but mostly hated

The son of a preacher and perpetual optimist has received thousands of e-mails supporting his union proposals. But protesters at the state Capitol are comparing him to Adolf Hitler and Darth Vader. 

Some boisterous protesters have seized his real estate, comparing the energetic, 43-year-old governor to Adolf Hitler and Darth Vader. There's even talk of a recall election.

"The Badger State has a weasel for a governor," one sign read.

Democrats have created and bankrupted Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the "Great Society" welfare programs, you name it. Every form of social engineering experiment -- all unconstitutional mind you -- Democrats have tried has resulted in untold misery, poverty and destruction.

And they ignore all of that history and pass Obamacare -- against the will of the people -- with an enormous bill that no one read and fewer understand.

Now they're turning Madison, Wisconsin into Greece -- and, believe you me, the worst is yet to come.

People always call him a lying, dictatorial, bullying plague on Wisconsin who rewards

his donors and takes from the most vulnerable. Until contrary is proven he'll be part of our most hated US politicians gallery. 

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