
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Top 10 Most Hated Sport Celebrities

most disliked guys John McEnroe
#10 John McEnroe

Percentage dislike: 31%

Still active on senior tours and World Team Tennis, the former number one ranked professional player in United States and the world continues to hear hoots from fans who remember his childish behavior a generation ago. He is best remembered for his shot-making artistry and superb volleying; for his famous rivalries with Björn Borg, Jimmy Connors and Ivan Lendl; for his confrontational on-court behavior which frequently landed him in trouble with umpires and tennis authorities; and also for the catchphrase 'You cannot be serious!' directed toward an umpire during a match at Wimbledon in 1981.

most disliked guys Nick Saban
#9 Nick Saban
College Football

Percentage dislike: 35%

Saban took a big publicity hit when, as coach of the Miami Dolphins two years ago, he publicly stated a desire to stay put, then jumped to the University of Alabama.In 2010, 2 Wall Street Journal reports stated Alabama and Saban had engaged in dishonest and unethical behavior largely related to the controversial practice of over signing. In spring 2011, after National Signing Day, Saban and the University of Alabama again became the subjects of harsh media criticism after they again appeared to have oversigned. When asked about the appearance of being oversigned during his Signing Day press conference, Saban gave a 431-word response in which he denied being oversigned but refused to shed light on the situation by explaining how many scholarship players departed the program after the 2010 season. Further raising questions about Saban and Alabama, Birmingham News journalist, Kevin Scarbinsky, revealed a few days after Saban's press conference that in numerous requests by the newspaper for the scholarship numbers of public universities in Alabama, the University of Alabama has been the only one to completely redact scholarship numbers for every sport in which it participates. That sucks !

Stephon Marbury sucks
No. 8 Stephon Marbury

Percentage dislike: 36%

Exhibit A of Thomas' unsuccessful run in New York, Marbury was told to stay home last season by new Knicks chief Donny Walsh despite a big contract while the team tried to trade him (he eventually landed in Boston). Stephon Marbury is a horrible basketball player with a stupid tattoo on his head.  This recent news about his contract getting bought out and him going to the Boston Celtics has no relevance to the NBA whatsoever.  He sucks.
The Boston Celtics can win without him and they have.  Actually, they are better suited to repeat as NBA champions with him not on the roster.  He sucks big time.

most hated people Isiah Thomas

#7 Isiah Thomas

Percentage dislike: 36%
Generally considered a bit phony and very political during his playing days, Thomas' image totally crashed when he became a basketball executive. Presiding over a train wreck of a Knicks team, and getting hit with a sexual harassment complaint in the process, doesn't endear you to the local fan base. Thomas begins anew this season as head coach at Florida International University. One of his 'performances' is that he managed to gather a Facebook group suggestively called KNICKS RULE, isiah thomas sucks! Oooops...!

most hated people Allen Iverson

#6 Allen Iverson

Percentage dislike: 38%
Corn rows and big tattoos bolster a gangsta rap image, even as some in the industry say Iverson isn't the person the public perceives him to be. According to Twitter, Allen Iverson sucked, Bron's not MVP, Wiz is the best rapper ever and 3 Stacks is overrated. Anything I'm missing? Please join the club on Facebook Allen Iverson Sucks.

most hated people Kobe Bryant

#5 Kobe Bryant

Percentage dislike: 42%
Well, if you google for "Kobe Bryant Sucks" you'll see how popular he became doing that. This is how I discovered Kobe Bryant Sucks Forum  and his very consistent group on Facebook obviously called Kobe Bryant Sucks! Fair or not, fans see the super-talented Bryant as basketball's A-Rod, a phony who focuses on saying the right thing in public.

most hated people Terrell Owens

#4 Terrell Owens

Percentage dislike: 45%
Talented and controversial, T.O. has come to embody a recent NFL trend of wide receiver as attention-seeking diva. He's already added some juice to the Buffalo Bills image, but few doubt he'll clash with his quarterback soon enough.

most hated people Alex Rodriguez

No. 3 Alex Rodriguez

Percentage dislike: 53%
Never mind that the biggest difference between the Yankee championship teams of the late 1990s and the good-but-not-great teams of more recent years has been a dropoff in pitching depth. When you've got the game's biggest contract, fans will make you the scapegoat. Being splashed all over the tabloids for strip club visits, dalliances with Madonna and, most recently, a steroid rap, doesn't help.

most hated people Manny Ramirez

#2 Manny Ramirez

Percentage dislike: 57%
This years' steroid suspension was just icing on the cake. Fans have long groaned about Manny's aloofness, inconsistent effort and poor fielding. "Manny being Manny" still works OK as long as he's hitting, but fans outside the home market (recently Boston, now Los Angeles) don't take the liking to him they do to quiet, steady stars like Derek Jeter or Albert Pujols.

celebs Michael Vick
#1 Michael Vick

Percentage dislike: 72%
Few things can turn public opinion against you like prison time for financing a dog fighting ring. The good news: With his dislike score based on a single incident, the former Atlanta Falcons quarterback stands a good chance of turning things around with exemplary behavior once reinstated to the league. I did a check on Facebook to see how popular this guy is and found innumerable Michael Vick sucks groups. A lot more than you could catch in a single screenshot. See photo below.

Michael Vick Sucks

See ya with the next top 10.

1 comment:

  1. k idk that many athletes that do anything else than basketball but ur definitely fucking retarded when it comes to basketball


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